Saturday, January 24, 2009

fashion illustration

I took a stab at fashion Illustration over winter break. Here's some of my experimental fashion designs. It's very bandaged pear oriented. I kind of ran with that idea. I used a stethoscope shaped as a heart, as the logo. Bandaged Fruit, Stitched up bananas, Injured apples, It's all there. I hope you enjoy!

newer things.

Alas, I am back in Brooklyn, full time. Classes start Monday. I'm excited. I am ironically enough glad to get my head into new things to research. I am thinking of looking into Art journalism, as a hobby. I guess it is my hobby. As I have said before, more and more I find myself more interested in the story behind art (art history) rather than the visual aspect. (studio art)

Anyway, here's some new stuff as promised. The mini exhibits, if you will. Feedback would be nice. I am going to be sending originals. I am just not telling you when, so you'll be surprised!